President’s Message
When I arrived in Canada in 1963 as a 20-year-old immigrant from Croatia, I would never have dreamed that today, 60 years later, I would look back on my life as that of an accomplished entrepreneur and business owner.
This great country of Canada encouraged entrepreneurship and it has given me the opportunity to fulfill my dreams.
I have been blessed with a family that has supported me in all of my endeavours, dedicated and skilled employees, loyal customers and suppliers, and a circle of friends that have made this journey rewarding and exciting.
Optimism has been my guiding principle. Even in the most difficult times, I have been a problem-solver and have strived to look towards the positive, always looking for more innovative solutions and new ways of doing things. Optimism has certainly served me well over the years.
My goal with the new digital look for Frendel in the form of a new, refreshed website was to emphasize the legacy of Frendel and to reinforce the company’s presence as a reliable and trustworthy industry leader now and in the years to come. \
Having worked hard to build the Frendel empire, it has been a deeply satisfying experience to reflect on the events, the people, and the achievements that have shaped us for over half a century.
It is my hope that through the story we tell here on our website about Frendel’s creation, along with our origins and history, emphasizes Frendel Kitchens Limited presence and influence in the industry, now and in the future.
I look forward to the future with great optimism, excitement and pride as Frendel forges ahead.
Tony Deltin
President and Founder
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Frendel Kitchens Limited
1350 Shawson Dr,
Mississauga, ON
L4W 1C5
Phone: 1 (866) 670-7898